to overview

Primary school De Telescoop

The existing primary school in Laken is renovated and extended with classrooms, a multipurpose room, a refectory and administrative premises.
The heating is done on a bivalent manner with a condensing natural gas boiler and heat pump geothermal energy-water.
The kindergarten classrooms are equipped with floor heating, the classrooms of the elementary school with radiators on low temperature.
The geothermal energy is used as a heat source in the winter, in the summer season, it is used as passive cold-energy. All the premises are ventilated with a mechanical ventilation with heat recovery in which the air handling unit can also work according to the free cooling principles.
The electrical system is equipped with a very energy friendly lighting concept based on LED. The design is made completely in a team with the architects who wishes a thoughtful lighting that want to give the school buildings a residential character.

  • Customer GO! onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap
  • Place Laken
  • Architect URA
  • Timing 2016 - 2018

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